The Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative is a convening of researchers investigating human mobility, immigrant integration, and the relationship between migration and changing societies. We leverage research to educate academic and non-academic audiences and, through collaboration, transform our world.

Image credit:
Services, Immigrants Rights, and Education Network (SIREN)


Globally, 244 million people have left their birthplace and live in another country. Locally, more than one in four Californians are immigrants.

Our interdisciplinary network of researchers places the social, political, legal, and economic dynamics of immigration in California within global trends of economic mobility, forced migration, and family reunification.

We seek a holistic picture of migration that embraces new data-gathering technologies and embedded, on-the-ground fieldwork that draws on the expertise of faculty, students, and the communities we study.

We aim to leverage data for education and social transformation through research publications, invited speaker series, community collaborations, and local and global efforts toward immigrant integration, well-being, and community power.