Migration Methods Training Videos

Introduction to Combined-Sample Multiple Imputation (CSMI)

Introduction to Combined-Sample Multiple Imputation (CSMI)

A presentation by Dr. James D. Bachmeier, Temple University, and Dr. Jennifer Van Hook, Penn State University on Combined-Sample Multiple Imputation (CSMI).

Causal Inference for Migration Studies

Causal Inference for Migration Studies

A presentation by Dr. Jens Hainmueller, Stanford University, on causal inference for migration studies.

Ethics & Human Subjects Today: Legal Rights & Limits for Researchers

Ethics & Human Subjects Today: Legal Rights & Limits for Researchers

A presentation by Drs. Irene Bloemraad, UC Berkeley; Cecilia Menjivar, UCLA; and Jennifer Van Hook, Penn State, on ethics in migration research.

Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law

Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law

Angela S. García, Assistant Professor of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago presented on her book, Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law. This book talk analyzes the ways federal, state, and local immigration laws shape the lives of undocumented Mexicans in the US. Comparing restrictive and accommodating immigration measures in various cities and states, it shows that place-based inclusion and exclusion unfold for immigrants in seemingly contradictory ways. This event was sponsored by the Center for Research on Social Change, Latinx Research Center, Center for the Study of Law and Society, and the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative.

Historical Record Linking for Migration Studies

Historical Record Linking for Migration Studies — Peter Catron

Historical Record Linking for Migration Studies, Peter Catron, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Washington

Longitudinal Versus Cross-sectional Approaches

Longitudinal versus cross-sectional approaches — Julie Park

Longitudinal versus cross-sectional approaches by Julie Park, Ph.D. of the Maryland Population Research Center

Ethical Migration Research and Designing Mixed Methods Projects

Ethical Migration Research and Designing Mixed Methods Projects — Marrow, Jones-Correa

 "Ethical Migration Research and Designing Mixed Methods Projects" by Professor Michael Jones-Correa of the University of Pennsylvania & Professor Helen B. Marrow of Tufts University