Jennifer M. Chacon

Job title: 
Professor of Law, Stanford University School of Law

Professor Chacon's research focuses on U.S. immigration law and policy, with a particular emphasis on issues that arise at the intersection of criminal and immigration law and law enforcement. Their work combines doctrinal analysis, empirical research, and critical theory to explain how immigration law and policy engender violence and (re)produce racial hierarchies, and to explore alternative possibilities.

Recent publications:

Immigration Law and Social Justice with Kevin R. Johnson and Bill Ong Hing (Aspen Press Casebook 2018) (Second Edition September 2021)

Immigration and Race, in Oxford Handbook of Race and Law in the United States (Khiara Bridges, Devon Carbado & Emily Hough, eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2021)

Prosecutors and the Immigration Enforcement System, in Oxford Handbook on Prosecutors and Prosecution (R. Gold, R. Wright & K. Levine, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021)

The Inside-Out Constitution: Department of Commerce v. New York; 2019 Supreme Ct. Rev. 231 (2020)

Immigration Federalism in the Weeds, 67 UCLA L. Rev. 1330 (2019); reprinted in Immigr. & Nat’lity L. Rev. (2021) (reprinted in 41 Immigr. & Nat’lity L. Rev. (forthcoming 2021))

Citizenship Matters: Conceptualizing Belonging in an Era of Fragile Inclusions (with Susan Bibler Coutin, Stephen Lee, Sameer Ashar, Edelina Burciaga and Alma Nidia Garza) 52 U.C. Davis Law Rev. 1 (2018)

Unsettling History, Reviewing Kelly Lytle Hernández, City of Inmates, 131 Harvard L. Rev. 1078 (2018)