I'm interested in all aspects of politics and life in the late Ottoman Empire, and the transition from imperial governance to a world of nation-states and colonialism between the 18th and and 20th centuries in the Balkans and Middle East. My first book, Biography of an Empire, had to do with a curious elite-of Christian functionaries for the Ottoman state-in the 18th and 19th centuries, whose migration throughout the Balkans, through Istanbul, and into eastern Europe and Russia was pivotal for the form of power they achieved. My second book, Turkey: A Past Against History, focused on the...
Kurt Organista studies Latino physical and mental health, with a focus on HIV risk, alcohol abuse and depression. Current research focuses on the structural vulnerability of Latino migrant day laborers in the San Francisco Bay Area.
G. Cristina Mora completed her B.A. in Sociology at UC Berkeley in 2003 and earned her PhD in Sociology from Princeton University in 2009. Before returning to Cal, she was a Provost Postdoctoral Scholar in Sociology at the University of Chicago.
Professor Mora’s research focuses mainly on questions of racial and ethnic categorization, organizations, and immigration. Her book, Making Hispanics, was published in 2014 by the University of Chicago Press and provides a socio-historical account of the rise of the “Hispanic/Latino” panethnic category in the United States. This work, along...
Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy
Cecilia Hyunjung Mo specializes in comparative political behavior, the political economy of development, and social policy research. She focuses on significant contemporary challenges to development and moral issues of today like cultivating democratic citizenship, understanding and addressing the negative consequences of rising inequality, combatting modern day slavery, and reducing prejudice.
To see her upcoming courses and publications, click here...
Dr. Kristina Lovato, PhD, MSW, joined the School of Social Welfare as an Assistant Professor in the Fall of 2022 and is also a member of the UC Berkeley Cluster on Latinxs and Democracy. Prior to joining Berkely Social Welfare she held a tenure-track faculty appointment in the School of Social Work at California State University, Long Beach (2017-2022).
Dr. Lovato’s scholarly work focuses on enhancing Latinx child and family well-being particularly among immigrant families at risk of immigration enforcement and/or public child welfare involvement. Her research employs intersectional...
Ganesh Iyer is the Edgar F. Kaiser Professor of Business Administration at Berkeley Haas. He has written extensively on various areas of marketing strategy, including the coordination of product distribution, marketing information, internet strategy, strategic communication, and bounded rationality in marketing strategy. He is the faculty director of the Center for Growth Markets which focuses on growth and development challenges in fast-growing economies across the world, which represent the economic, business, and human capital development opportunities of the 21st century. CGM...
Associate Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology and Co-Chair of the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine
Seth Holmes is currently investigating social hierarchies and health inequalities in the context of U.S.-Mexico migration, the ways in which these inequalities become understood to be natural and normal in society and in health care, and the moments in which these inequalities are resisted or challenged. See Seth Holmes give a TED talk on his research about health, migrant farmworkers and our food system.
I am a social and legal historian of the United States specializing in immigration. My major areas of research are U.S. immigration law and policy, nativism and xenophobia, global migration, and transnational history.
Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy (Oxford University Press, 2017).
With increasing destabilization in large parts of the world and mounting travel restrictions, migration has become the political fulcrum for modern democracy and right-wing nationalism. Any discussion on migration today will have to take into account inequity, detention, and barriers to mobility. What does the world look like if viewed through the lens of migration? Can migrants become natives over time? How are migrants framed and staged in moving images, and how do they participate in such acts? Where are the archives of transnational migration? What kinds of stories and knowledge for...
Dennis Feehan is a demographer and quantitative social scientist. His research interests lie at the intersection of networks, demography, and quantitative methodology.