Dr. Martinez-Donate's second presentation will cover community-engaged immigrant health research and coalition building for community-engaged immigrant health research.
Dr. Martinez-Donate's presentation will include an introduction to mixed-methods research and in-depth examples of mixed-methods migrant health research designs.
Tomas Jimenz's session will cover: how to ask good questions and effective probing while doing semi-structured interviewing, as well as team-based mixed methods projects.
Jennifer Glick focuses on the question of How does migration at the household level shape children’s developmental trajectories in origin communities? & Does migration timing, type and duration matter for children in origin households?
Professor Bloemraad explains how practicing open science should be an ethical obligation. SHe discusses the topics of ownership of data, vulnerabilities of participants, ethics, and procedural transparency.
Taeku Lee's session will cover: how to ask good survey questions, sampling representative immigrant populations, response rates, and, perhaps, the future of survey- based data collection.
Taeku Lee's session will cover: how to ask good survey questions, sampling representative immigrant populations, response rates, and, perhaps, the future of survey- based data collection.